Top 10 Innovative WhatsApp Generative AI Tools You Should Know About 2023

Top 10 Innovative WhatsApp Generative AI Tools You Should Know About 2023


2023 will probably go down as the year of the AI, specifically Generative AI. We have seen more GenerativeAI development in 2023 than ever before, most of it driven by OpenAI, ChatGPT and GPT3,4 API that is freely accesible (at a fee of course) through the OpenAI API.

What makes my heart race a little faster is the democratization of this technology. It's not just about groundbreaking AI tech, it's about putting that tech in the hands of everyday people, turning extraordinary into the ordinary. It's about transforming the way we interact with the digital world and each other.

And that's where platforms like WhatsApp come in, turning this fantastical tech dream into our chat-filled reality. The tools that have sprung up in 2023 are doing exactly this – they're rewriting the narrative, making WhatsApp not just a messaging platform, but a gateway into the fascinating world of Generative AI.


Generative AI Tools like ChatGPT on WhatsApp


In this article we are going to explore those AI tools that bring GenerativeAI to your WhatsApp. We will not cover AI tools on native mobile applications or other messaging platforms, just WhatsApp. WhatsApp is a tool that is accessed by over 2 billion people globally, so yes -- it is important to understand, how 2 billion people can now access GenerativeAI, seamlessly and conveniently.


GenerativeAI, ChatGPT Background

The statistical growth of ChatGPT speaks volumes about the escalating interest in Generative AI. Just within five days of its launch, ChatGPT crossed the milestone of a million users. By January 2023, the user base had grown to an impressive 100 million, and by April 2023, the number stood at a robust 173 million. These soaring figures make one thing evident - people are actively engaging with, and showing great interest in, Generative AI technology.


An interesting aspect to note is that users are not just employing these AI tools for text generation. Rather, they are exploring its chat functionalities, seeking advice, querying definitions, and utilizing it as a learning resource. This shift towards interactive use has been a major driver behind the big numbers and is shaping the direction of future development in Generative AI.


Explore the ChatGPT on WhatApp list - Features, Prices, Website Links

In the quest to identify the top 10 ChatGPT applications on WhatsApp, a meticulous and comprehensive investigation was undertaken. The process involved a deep-dive into the numerous Generative AI tools available, specifically targeting those that integrate seamlessly with WhatsApp.


Two key criteria were at the forefront of this research:

A comparison, side by side on the available features of each tool

The cost of the tool (Note all the tools found had a monthly prescription cost, shown in the last column)


Every stone was turned, every detail thoroughly examined, to provide you with a clear, concise, and informative list of applications that make the most of ChatGPT's capabilities within WhatsApp's interface.


Now, we are thrilled to present you with our top picks, complete with features and links for easy access. Let's delve into these incredible tools that are revolutionizing how we utilize AI in our everyday conversations.


AI ToolWebsiteLocationLinkAI ChatAI ImagesAI DocumentsLive InternetTalk2PDFTalk2WebsiteNotes & RemindersPrice
GPTHotline only$9.99
Thelio ImagesNoYesYesYesNo$9.00


What are the trends in the ChatGPT on WhatsApp Applications and our top pics.

Throughout the course of our investigation, we've observed some fascinating trends:


AI Conversations and Image Generation are Standard

Every product we examined boasted AI chat functionality and the ability to generate images. A few select tools even provide the option to upload an image and receive variations or edits in return. This image-editing feature is notably present in OpenAI's DALLE-2 and StableDiffusion. These WhatsApp tools uniquely consolidate these capabilities into a singular, convenient platform.


AI Chatbot on WhatsApp


Internet Access is Included

Some tools offer internet access, a functionality that, as of now, I have been unable to unlock on the online version of ChatGPT, despite numerous reports suggesting its availability. This feature, even if accessible, appears to be exclusive to ChatGPT Plus, a $20 per month subscription that, curiously, does not include image generation functionality.


The Talk2PDF Functionality is a Time-Saver

A handful of these tools offer the Talk2PDF functionality, a productivity hack bound to save significant time. While ChatGPT itself lacks this built-in feature, it can be accessed via plugins on the paid version.


Transitioning from Chatbot to Personal Assistant

MobileGPT and GPTHotline are the only tools that offer a reminders feature, an incredible asset where the application can send you a reminder message at a designated time. This capability propels these tools beyond mere chatbots, introducing a trend towards developing a personal assistant in your pocket.

Alongside the reminders feature, MobileGPT also offers a Notes feature. This handy tool has become one of my most used functions - it allows for the saving of notes, be it a previous response or a dictated shopping list. These notes can be accessed at any time by simply requesting them - a nifty feature indeed.


AI Document Generation

Exclusive to MobileGPT is the ability to structure your AI output into a word document, from invoices to letters. Despite this feature being a staple since MobileGPT's inception, it remains uncopied by other tools, raising questions about its perceived utility.


Voice Input Acceptance

An advantage of using WhatsApp over any online ChatGPT instance is the ease of sending voice notes. Many tools can process these voice notes as input, analyzing them with AI to understand the user's request and respond accordingly.


What are the positive impacts that GenerativeAI, ChatGPT can have on society?

The first is democratizing access to AI technology. With these tools nestled within familiar messaging platforms like WhatsApp, we're able to bring sophisticated AI technology to a wider audience. This bridges the digital divide, opening up opportunities for individuals and communities who might otherwise be left behind.


Democratising Technology with WhatsApp Access to GenerativeAI


Next, there's the enhancement of productivity. Features such as Talk2PDF, reminders, and the notes function, bring efficiency to our fingertips. Whether it's for business, education, or personal use, these tools can streamline tasks, saving valuable time and effort.


Then, there's the ability to generate AI documents and images. This opens up new possibilities for creative expression and communication. Individuals can create unique content, from letters and invoices to artwork, expanding opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The acceptance of voice input further reduces barriers, making the technology more accessible to those who may have literacy challenges or physical impairments. In essence, it allows the power of AI to be harnessed by a more diverse user base.


In addition to that, there is the progression from chatbot to personal assistant presents a shift towards more personalized and interactive AI. This can enhance our daily lives, providing reminders, organizing our thoughts, and even assisting with tasks.


What are the negative impacts that GenerativeAI, ChatGPT can have on society?

A big concern since ChatGPT was released is privacy. With AI becoming increasingly interwoven into daily communication, there's the risk of sensitive information being handled by these tools. A good example of this is the Samsung code leak. Your engineers might have the best intentions asking AI tools for help - but that data will be exposed to external parties.

The great news at leas is that - all the WhatsApp ChatGPT tools mentioned used the OpenAI API in some form or another, which means unless if the WhatsApp tool itself is collecting your data, OpenAI itself does not collect any data that submitted through the paid API, unlike the web platform -where the data can be collected for future training purposes.


Another potential drawback is the threat to jobs and human interaction. As AI becomes more sophisticated and versatile, there's the potential for job displacement, particularly in sectors reliant on repetitive tasks. Similarly, as AI takes on more human-like capabilities, there's the risk of reducing the need for human interaction, which could have social implications.


Furthermore, the dependency on AI tools can also be a concern. While they undoubtedly streamline tasks and enhance productivity, over-reliance on these tools could lead to a decline in essential skills, such as critical thinking, decision-making, and even basic writing or note-taking skills.


Lastly, there's the issue of digital divide. While these tools aim to democratize access to AI, their effectiveness is dependent on individuals having access to smartphones and stable internet connections. This could inadvertently deepen the digital divide, particularly in regions where such resources are scarce.


What are your predictions on how these ChatGPT on WhatsApp technology will evolve?

My predictions, based on my own knowledge and involved development with AI tools is as follows:


Customised Learning and Assistance

As AI technology continues to advance, a marked trend towards more personalized AI is likely to emerge. This shift is already apparent, with AI tools evolving from generic chatbots to tailored personal assistants. As these tools become more sophisticated, they begin to understand us better, learning from our interactions and adjusting their responses accordingly.


This potential for personalization could transform various aspects of our lives. For instance, let's consider education. Developers could design AI tools to recognize a user as a tenth-grade student. Once this information is established, the AI tool could become a personalised tutor, delivering a custom learning experience right on WhatsApp.


Personalised Learning with AI


Imagine the possibilities: daily, it could send study materials, share relevant resources, or provide past question papers to practice. The AI could monitor progress over time, identifying areas of strength and weakness, and adjust the provided material accordingly. It could even prompt the student with homework reminders or arrange revision sessions based on the academic calendar.


This level of personalized assistance wouldn't just be limited to education. It could extend to various fields, such as health and wellness, career coaching, financial management, and so much more. As AI continues to learn more about us as individuals, it becomes better equipped to provide meaningful, personalized assistance, essentially revolutionizing the way we interact with technology in our daily lives.


Specialized AI for Niche Domains:

One intriguing trend we may witness in the future of AI applications is a shift towards niche specialization. Instead of broad functionalities, AI tools may evolve to cater to specific domains, providing in-depth, expert assistance tailored to those areas.

For instance, consider the field of mental health. In the future, we may see AI tools that operate as personal mental health guides. These could offer resources, daily mindfulness exercises, motivational messages, and even monitor the progress of an individual's mental health journey - all integrated within your everyday messaging platform like WhatsApp.

Similarly, the world of financial management could be revolutionized with an AI tool dedicated to this purpose. Providing not just budget tracking, but real-time financial advice, personalized budgeting assistance, financial reporting, and even investment tips could become common features of such an application.

This trend towards developing applications centered on niche topics could significantly broaden the reach and impact of AI tools, making them even more integral to managing and improving various aspects of our daily lives.


Enhanced Functionality:

With the broadening of features like AI document and image generation, and voice input acceptance, it's likely that the functionality of these tools will continue to expand. We might see tools that can perform increasingly complex tasks, from sophisticated data analysis to creative design work.


WhatsApp ChatGPT Functionality


Improving Accessibility: With advancements in technology, the aim to bridge the digital divide will continue to be a focus. We may see more initiatives targeting the provision of such tools to under-resourced communities or regions, as well as improvements to make these tools more user-friendly for those with physical or cognitive impairments.


Addressing Ethical Concerns: As these tools continue to evolve, it's vital to address the ethical and societal implications. I foresee more robust measures to protect privacy, clear guidelines on AI usage, and initiatives to ensure these tools are used responsibly.


What are your predictions on the ethics of future societies in relation to ChatGPT on WhatsApp Applications?

Ethics will undoubtedly play an increasingly prominent role in the future as we continue to integrate AI technologies into our lives. Here are a few ethical considerations I foresee in relation to these technologies:

Data Privacy and Security: As AI tools become more personalized, they'll inevitably collect and process more personal data. Ethical guidelines will need to be put in place to ensure data is handled responsibly, securely, and with full transparency to the user.

Fair and Equitable Access: As AI tools continue to evolve and provide essential services, it becomes crucial to ensure they're accessible to everyone, irrespective of their socioeconomic status. We must work to bridge the digital divide and make these technologies universally accessible to avoid creating or exacerbating societal inequities.

Job Displacement and Skills Training: As AI tools become capable of performing increasingly complex tasks, there's the potential for job displacement. Societies will need to grapple with how to reskill or upskill workers to ensure they aren't left behind in the changing job landscape.

Mental Health Considerations: As AI tools become more integrated into our daily lives, we'll need to consider their impact on mental health. Ensuring the technologies promote healthy behaviours and do not contribute to feelings of isolation or overreliance will be critical.

Trust and Transparency: As AI continues to become more sophisticated, ensuring users understand how decisions are made by these technologies is crucial. Users must trust the AI tools they use, which requires transparency from developers about how the AI works and makes decisions.

Regulation and Accountability: With the growing capabilities of AI, there's a need for robust regulation to ensure these technologies are used responsibly. Accountability mechanisms must be in place to deal with potential misuse or harmful consequences.